My first red flag flew before the movie even began. I went to a 2pm matinee show, and the previous show was just wrapping up when I arrived. The theater manager and two other employees walked out of the movie just shaking their heads and saying "that was just terrible.", almost mimicking the end of the "Ember Island Players" episode. Since I already got my ticket and popcorn, I knew I was in for it now. The theater was respectively full. People in the audience ranged from age 6 to 60. It really showed me the wide range of the audience for the show, as opposed to the all-female audience for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse which opened on the same day. My first impression of the movie was...spotty to say the least. I believe I went through what they call "fan denial". I actually saw it twice in theaters to make sure I can form a proper opinion on it. (It was part of a double feature with Dinner With Schmucks at a drive-in theater, the last time I ever went to one since). It was obvious to me the second time around that it wasn't as good as the show, but I didn't actually flat-out hate it. It wasn't until the third time I saw it at home years later when I finally said "Wow...what a piece of garbage!"
The Airbender arrow design for the movie. |
But, despite it's laundry list of problems, I actually found some things to like in this movie (I have seen it more times than I care to admit...). For starters, I love the set and prop design. It genuinely looks like the show. The Fire Lord's palace looks breathtaking. It got to the point where I stopped pay attention to anything going on (which I'm sure most people did) and just marveled around at the design. The Northern Water Tribe city looks pretty damn good as well. The costumes look great (despite Princess Yue's unfortunate hairstyle from behind- if you'd seen this movie, you know what I mean).Aang's arrow tattoo is also something I really liked. Instead of going for the standard purple from the show, the artists involved with the movie actually took the time to redesign the arrow with all sorts of creative lines and shapes around it. So well done on that!
Another thing I really enjoyed was the score by James Newton Howard. I genuinely believe that the score from the movie is better than the score from the show. "Flow Like Water" is such a fantastic and emotional piece of music, and it's a real shame that the music is mostly ignored because of the film's negative reception. I actually own the physical CD and listen to it all the time.
The costume and set design is quite exceptional. |
Also, the deleted scenes on the DVD were really fun to watch, and it baffles me why they couldn't be in the movie. There was a scene where Aang visits a fortuneteller, and it plays out in such a way that I believed they actually ripped it from the show itself. It had the same quirky and fun sense of humor that the source material was all about. It tells me that Shyamalan actually had some sort of idea of what to do with this material. Shame it was deleted.
But I soon realized that all the good things in the movie is almost everything that Shyamalan wasn't involved in, or played little part in creating. It's still, by definition of a film making standpoint, a very horrible movie. Even the few things good about it still don't compare to the stilted acting, clumsy writing, poor camera movement, and relentless pacing. It was supposed to be the first part of a trilogy of films, one film per season, but I think at this point the possibility of a sequel is dead. Even if the film was a rip-roaring success, making a sequel to a movie that came out over five years ago would be a mistake. One of the biggest mistakes with this film was it's timing. It was just too soon for a movie based on Avatar: The Last Airbender to be made. At the time of release, the show only ended two years before, and premiered three years before that. Maybe it'll be rebooted in a decade or two, with a director that was only a kid when the series was at it's tip of popularity. Or maybe it should just remain as a TV series. Only time will tell.
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